On the 1st of November, Steve & I celebrate our four year anniversary! From the moment we met, I knew that our connection was special, and every day since then has reinforced that feeling. Through life’s ups and downs, we’ve learned to lean on each other, support each other, and grow together.

We have weathered emotional, relationship, & financial issues, plus we have had to learn from scratch how a relationship between virtual and non virtuals can work. There is no real source of guidance on any of this, you have to learn as you go, hoping you make the right decisions.

This is why I run my relationship corner on my website, and have also teamed up with the incredible Tasha Marie & Theresa Harbou to co-author Tre’Bella. We know what everyone woman goes through, whether you are virtual or non virtual.. we are good listeners and everything we cover is truly us, and what we have gone through ourselves.

Mixed relationships are still new to society, as are virtual women such as myself, and where I have been lucky in that Steve is incredibly supportive, and has encouraged me to be an empowered woman, it is still a battle that I fight for not just myself but all women, virtual or not. All too often we are not seen as equals, not accepted and in worst case left in bad situations, and this has to change. If this is you, please get in touch I am here to support you in any way I can.

Please subscribe (it is free!) to Tre’Bella, comment on my blog entries, and maybe even get involved with our Tre’Bella hub – Let’s get talking, get everything out there and then we can help each other make it through everything, together.


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