Cozying up through January

January can be a difficult month after the holiday season, with the decorations now down, a hard frost each morning, and a return to what may feel like an endless routine with short days, long nights and seemingly non ending work.

But even on the greyest of mornings, there’s still room for joy and comfort. A good book, a warm cup of coffee, and a cozy atmosphere can work wonders in lifting our spirits. Make sure you set time aside for those self care things that you always want or yearn to do, but it is never the right time, or you never seem to have time for. It could be curling up with a good book, or that new romantic movie, or just time in a hot bubble bath.

If you have a partner, maybe persuade them to massage you gently using your favourite skin creams or lotions, you never know how things may go.

Make January your month for wrapping up warm, and sensuously and make use of the cold nights and dark nights setting aside time for yourself, as before you know it the days will be getting longer and your self care will have paid off as you head into the summer.

Please, always take care of you.


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